I came across an article this morning about organic gardening enhancing your physical and mental health. According to the article putting your hands in the dirt causes your body to release chemicals to help your immune system. Also picking and eating the food that you grow yourself causes your body to release dopamine which makes you feel happy.
So apparently it's no wonder I get so excited about getting my hands in the dirt. I think there is also an important mental health piece in the process of growing, starting with this small seed, nurturing it, watching it emerge from the soil and then providing you with nutrients, giving back to you after you invested time and energy in it. The power in a little seed is pretty incredible. Something so tiny and easily missed that grows into food or flowers or trees... we can all be like a seed, we can grow and bloom and feed the world around us, give back that love that we get.
My garden has already begun bursting with growth. Raspberries are growing up and out of their bed. I've already begun harvesting and enjoying kales, arugula, and spinach. Herbs are coming in slowly.
Buddha is watching over my root bed with radishes, beets and carrots growing down, and kohlrabi and brussels sprouts growing up.
Beans are starting to vine, reaching up toward the sun
Ganesh is looking out for the tomatoes and peppers.
I'm looking forward to a delicious and happy summer.