Happy Halloween! Growing up the tradition in my family was to have cheese fondue for dinner on Halloween and although it's a tradition that would be fun to cary forward I was feeling like what I really needed today was some vegetables so I'll postpone have fondue for a bit and decided to work with some seasonal flavors and colors of fall instead.
I also picked some kale from the garden and sautéed that with garlic and picked some beet greens too for garnish. Lastly I sliced up a watermelon radish I had for a little extra color on the plate.
Since the trick-or-treaters shouldn't be the only ones getting a treat we also had miniature pumpkin whoopie pie mini muffins. I cheated a bit here. I had found a box of Trader Joe's Pumpkin Bread Mix in my pantry so I baked the mix in mini muffin tins. Right when I removed them from the oven I stuck a chocolate chip on top so they'd look like little pumpkins with a stem on top. While those were cooling I made whoopie pie filling: beat 1 stick of butter with 1 2/3 cups of powdered sugar, then add 1/2 teaspoon vanilla and 2 cup of Fluff (since it was invented right down the road). I sliced the mini muffins in half and put a scoop of fluffy filling in.