Tuesday, January 18, 2011

great escape necklace

Thinking about where I am in my life after having left my job I keep coming back to the image of a bird flying out of a cage, so I purchases some supplies on etsy to use to express that image in a necklace.

I started with the cage in the middle and attached two birds on either side flying away from the cage. I wanted to use this cord I'd purchased but discovered that the hole on the bird charms where I was connecting it was too small. I could have used a connection piece but really did not want to so I was going to have to make the hole on the bird larger. I remembered that I had some tools that used to be my grandfather's that he used to repair music boxes. I was excited to be able to enlarge the whole so I could attach the cord and to be able to use some of these tools I had inherited and feel that connection to my grandfather.

Next step will be putting it up on etsy and then I need to figure out some marketing...

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