Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day

Perhaps it's just a result of disagreements and exhaustion that we've ended up with a calendar that has an extra day every 4 years but this year, this 'extra' day feels like a gift. 

For me this year there is a crazy synchronicity today. I leave here tomorrow after almost two weeks with my parents. As I am preparing to leave a friend from high school who is now living in the Azores has arrived here to see her family. Coincidence that we have both come home at the same time and if it were not for this 29th day we would have missed each other but we were given this gift, this day where our lives aligned so that we can spend this day together. What a beautiful thing. 

I can't think back on a Leap Day and remember what I did. I will remember what I gift it was this year and I hope to celebrate the beauty of this day when it comes again in 4 years. 
Or at least watch The Pirates of Penzance. 

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