Tuesday, April 19, 2011

rain down on my garden

rain, rain
come and play
make my plants
grow big today 

As the rain was falling lightly I went out to transplant some bulbs that have come up in awkward places, like where we'd like to keep the trash & recycling cans... so I dug them up and planted them in a semi circle around the new hydreangea tree in the front. It should rain enough that I don't have to water them today.

Then I headed in to the hoop house to check on everyone and give them some water since they don't get the benefit of the rain. It makes me so happy to go in and see all the growth and to think about all this great food we'll have to eat. With the rain falling outside it felt like I was in my own little secret world. I did some weeding and moved some of the plants that were growing up too close together and needed to be thinned. I'm especially excited about some heirloom beans that I planted that are coming up strong. 

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