Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Sriracha Kimchi

I've been really curious about making my own Kimchi for awhile but did not want to use fish sauce.  There was a new vendor at my local winter farmers market last week selling kimchi and I came close to buying it but decided instead I would try making my own using this recipe and if I could make it with siriracha how could I not give it a try? I also used some bits and pieces of advice found in other kimchi recipes I came across.

head of green cabbage (because my local grocer was out of napa)
2 tablespoons kosher salt
3 cloves of garlic
1 inch cube of fresh ginger
1 apple
1 carrot
3 tablespoons sriracha
4 scallions
1 jalapeño

Cut up the cabbage, put it in a large glass bowl and mix with the 2 tablespoons of salt, then cover tightly and place some weight on top. Leave out on the counter a minimum of an hour until the cabbage begins to wilt and liquid will release. 
In a food processor combine garlic, ginger, apple, carrot and sriracha into a paste.
Strain the cabbage, keeping the liquid, then mix with paste and chopped scallions and jalapeño until everything is well coated. Tightly pack kimchi into sterilized glass jars leaving some empty space at the top of the jar. Pour the reserved cabbage liquid into the jars to cover the kimchi. Put the lids on the jars.
Leave the kimchi out at room temperature for about 3 days. When it has that signature sour, spicy flavor and sauerkraut texture close it up tightly and store it in the fridge. 

After about a week in the fridge I began to enjoy the kimchi. It was a great addition to ramen and even as a cabbage slaw on tacos. It done come out a bit more salty than I would have liked so it wasn't great by itself but worked well added to dishes, I just made sure to cook without salt when I knew I was going to eat it with kimchi. 

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