Wednesday, August 3, 2011

uno wild wedding gift

This is a year of weddings, I've received 9 invitations this year. As friends and family are getting married after having lived on their own and are already combining households of kitchen supplies etc it has changed what people ask for - like cash for the honeymoon - which is fine, who needs more stuff!?! but to keep things interesting I like to give the happy couples something a little more personalized too but without adding to the burden of more stuff particularly that is unwanted.

One of the upcoming weddings I have is my cousin's. He and his fiance have a tradition of bringing Uno cards everywhere with them (last time they were here for a visit we played Uno at a bar). So I decided to use that as inspiration for a gift for them. Magnets seem like something everyone ends up using and they don't take up much space and don't have to match decor. I have a few decks of Uno cards around myself so I "sacrificed" an old deck to make magnets. 

I decided to use their wedding date, some wild cards and a draw two. I cut them to 1" squares to match glass tiles I had, used adhesive to attach them to the tiles, once they dried I attached a magnet to the back. 

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