Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Mini Birthday Cakes

I feel very strongly that you can't have a birthday without having cake. It's not the healthiest conviction but it is tasty… when friends have birthdays I make sure to at least bring them a cupcake so there is some kind of cake. We were out of town and arrived home the evening of my birthday. There was no cake. Since I was working from home today (the day after my birthday) I decided to correct this no cake problem so I could accept that it was my birthday. I had two little barriers 1) did not feel like going to the store to get ingredients 2) it is only my husband and myself so I do not need a big elaborate cake because then we will eat it…

So I decided to do a flour less chocolate cake with the ingredients I had in the house

The cake:
2 oz bittersweet chocolate
2.7 oz Taza chocolate disks, 1 package,  I actually used a special addition flavor made with Fire Puncher vodka
1/2 cup 63% cacao chocolate chips
1 stick butter
3/4 cup brown sugar
3 eggs

In a double boiler I melted the chocolate and butter, let it cool then mixed it with the sugar and eggs
the batter went in a greased cake pan to bake at 375 for 30 minutes

Since I wanted birthday cake, that to me means frosting so I decided to use a round cookie cutter to cut up the cake and make mini cakes

I made 3 flavors of frosting, since I'd used all the butter I had in the cake my main ingredients were heavy cream and powdered sugar
Rose Frosting: heavy cream, powdered sugar, rose water and red food coloring
Caramel: some carmel I had made for cinnamon buns mixed with heavy cream and powdered sugar
Vodka: when Taza did their special Fire Puncher chocolate, Grand Ten also did a special Fire Puncher vodka with chocolate which I happened to have some I mixed some of that with heavy cream and powdered sugar

Then I made three mini cakes, one with each frosting and topped with sprinkles to add a festive touch.
I froze the extra cake rounds to enjoy later.

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