There has been a lot of talk over the last few weeks about preparing for Hurricane Sandy who is also supposed to meet up with a few other storms and descend on the East Coast. Over the weekend we took in the furniture from the yard and the grill. I harvested kale and other garden goods and cut dahlias and brought them inside. The biggest danger for us is that we could lose power. Our water is gravity fed and we have a gas stove (and a small camping stove if we needed that and charcoal so we could take the grill back out and cook). We've been trying for the last few days to consume food from the fridge and freezer and made sure we had some canned and dried foods we can eat if we lose power. We also filled up some containers with water, just in case. We took out some candles and flashlights and put them in places that will be easy to find in the dark. We went for a walk this morning and stopped by the grocery store to see the panic. It's an interesting thing that happens, not only has there been lots of warning for people to prepare yet everyone is crowded in to the store today, when the storm is going to hit us, but also that people become really obsessed with bottled water.

A friend suggested we meet up for lunch. Wet around 1 and ended up watching the weather out the window (pictured above) and on the TV. Every once in awhile big winds would swirl through and the rain would get more intense. About 5 hours later we decided we should all head home.
on the way to lunch & on the way home from lunch - tree branch down
view from our front porch (2nd floor)
When we got home we noticed that there was no power on our street. There was a tree down across the street that had ripped the power out of one house but had not touched the main lines. Some of our neighbors were outside so as we were outside talking to them the power came back on. Apparently it went out about an hour after we had left for lunch. Thankfully that was the extent of our Sandy excitement.
I had a pie crust in the fridge and decided in case we lost power again I may as well use it, and you can always eat pie, especially when it's "healthy" pie. Unfortunately I don't have exact measures of anything but here's what was in the filling
1 sweet potato - cut small
2 apples- cut small
apple pie spice
maple syrup
Baked at 400 for about 45 minutes
we hadn't carved our pumpkins yet so we also took the opportunity to carve them so we'll be ready for Halloween.
Hurricane preparedness at our house ended up looking like this
dahlias from the yard - hurricane lamp that came with the house(which we didn't end up using) - apple, sweet potato & walnut pie