Monday, December 13, 2010

Floor Sanding

Sometimes you need to give yourself permission to take a break... we worked hard over the weekend and made our second attempt at sanding the floors. So, today will be a day for rest and recovery because we're closer but we're not done yet...

Here's what we did... we rented a rotary sander and an edging sander from Home Depot and spent 10 hours sanding. Since we are not looking for perfection and as are bodies became tired and sore we did things a bit differently than we had initially anticipated.

Safety First!
We suited up. And the windows, doors and heat vents were all covered in plastic and duct tape sealed. We also turned the heat off.

We sanded everything with 24 grit paper and the paint came off... we sanded it pretty clean although there are still a few spots which I actually kind of like as a reminder of what the house had been through and of our hard work. Then we went over everything again with 100 grit paper.

We discovered - as we suspected - we have some beautiful wood! The house was built about 1890 but we're not sure when the floors were put in on the third floor, the latest they were put in is in the 1940's but we suspect they are much older than that, especially since there were so many layers of paint which when we moved in was all under carpeting...
We have some areas to touch up with a palm sander and we need to get in to the corners, then wipe everything down and start with the poly...

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