Thursday, February 24, 2011

hoppy necklace

One of the projects that I got supplies for was making necklaces out of used Scrabble tiles. I have the tiles, little screws with eyes, necklace cords, my photos and glue... I even picked out some images and glued them to a tile already when I was making glass tile magnets but had lacked the courage to actually drill the hole in the tile, so today I set out to finish the transformation from Scrabble tile to necklace.

My partner has a dremel. A nifty looking tool, like a drill but with small bits. With no instruction on how to use it I jumped right in, I found a drill bit that I had and fit it into the dremel. I found the center of the top of the tile and marked it with a pencil, then I held the tile against the bit and turned the dremel on. It zipped right into the wood tile without a problem. It did create a lot of heat and you could smell the wood so I set the tile down for awhile to let it cool off before attempting to insert the screw. I used a small pair of pliers to help with the screw and then I just had to slip it on the cord.

The tile has a photograph of hops on one side (which are an ingredient in brewing beer) and a photograph of a glass of beer on the other side. I think it will be a nice compliment to my I love you more than beer card. The card, actually sold so I'll have to re-list it when I list this.

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