Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Early Bird Owns the City

I like getting up early. This does not mean that it's easy for me to get myself out of bed or that I even consistently get up that early since I'm not having to get to work. This morning though it was easy. I was excited because I was going to spend the afternoon with friends and my ride was leaving from downtown so I got myself together early to do one of my favorite things that has been long neglected... an early morning walk around the city.

I highly recommend early morning walks. I need to do more of them. I don't live downtown anymore and sometimes I miss it but I'm not far enough out of the city for any excuses to not spend time in the city (although I come up with plenty of excuses). So, this morning, I got up early and headed downtown. The streets were quiet, I walked through the garden and got to watch some baby ducks. It feels like you have the whole city to yourself, like you are in charge and out to survey your kingdom. There were a few people here and there, we'd nod to each other in recognition and continue on our own paths, enjoying this rare quiet that changes the perspective on the place. And if you stay, get a coffee, grab a seat on a bench, you can watch the city awaken, watch people begin to emerge, traffic begin to form, the city's heartbeat begins to pulse - harder, faster - as it awakens and you slip back from your role as head of the kingdom and slip in with the life of the city.

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