Thursday, July 22, 2010

Picture This

After spending an afternoon with friends, thinking about all the things we'd done together, I was inspired to go looking for photographic proof of our adventures. As I began my search I realized that I had not kept anything organized, photos thrown in a box and what seems like every digital photo I've ever taken dumped on my computer. I grew up with 'collectors' who had a vision for the someday need or repurpose of random items and I inherited some of that and have been fighting against it recently to get better at downsizing and only keeping what I need (meaning I use). I still have lots of random items around but I'm trying. Photos have often been one of those things that are hard for me to let go of, it's like throwing out a memory, but if I'm not looking at them anyway then why hold on to them and if there are so many photos I skip over to get to the 'good ones' or I don't bother looking for the 'good ones' because there's too much to skip over then what am I doing? So, I've started what will be a much over due project because it will take time but I am going through my photos both printed and digital and throwing many of them away. I may also take it a step further and scan in all the prints so that everything is digital and I then also free up some space on my shelves.

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